AdImageNet Library

Below are some sample creatives from our extensive Creative Image Library with 20K+ high-quality images. Our Creative Image Library is an invaluable resource for training AI and machine learning models.

The dataset of online programmatic ad creatives was curated to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and developers. It provides a unique collection of advertising creative text that is typically only available within walled gardens. The dataset aims to foster the development of independent advertising alternatives to Google and Meta, particularly in the field of AI, by promoting open-source solutions in the advertising domain.

AdImageNet: Hugging Face Version

AI Tools

Publisher Prebid Tools

  • We're very excited to release a small suite of publisher Prebid tools. These tools use machine learning and AI to help small publishers get the most revenue out of their Prebid set-ups. These are designed to work across all publishers.

Prebid Config Generator Tool

  • Our Prebid Config Generator Tool is designed to help publishers understand and explore how most and advanced publishers configure their Prebid settings. It can serve as a valuable reference to gain insights into common configurations, best practices, and different approaches used by publishers across various domains.
  • The AI tool should be seen as a helpful tool to gain inspiration and understanding of common Prebid settings, but not as a substitute for thorough testing and manual review of the final configurations.

Prebid Module Generator Tool

  • Our Prebid Module Generator Tool is designed to assist publishers in understanding and exploring what modules most publishers use with their Prebid set-up.
  • Our AI tool can serve as a valuable reference to gain insights into common Prebid modules, best practices, and different approaches used by publishers across various domains. The model should be seen as a helpful tool to gain inspiration and understanding of common Prebid modules but not as a substitute for thorough testing and manual review of the final modules used.

AI Models


  • Llama-2-7b-Ads is a fine-tuned version of the Llama-2-7b-chat-hf language model which is optimized for dialogue use cases and competitive with popular closed-source models like ChatGPT and PaLM in terms of helpfulness and safety.
  • The model is designed for various natural language processing tasks related to advertising creatives, including ad creative generation, personalized ad copy based on user-specific data, and ad copy for different ad sizes.
  • The fine-tuning dataset, Ads Creative Ad Copy Programmatic, consists of 7097 samples of online programmatic ad creatives, categorized into 8 unique ad sizes.


  • A powerful model based on GPT-2, fine-tuned on a dataset of over 10,000 programmatic ad creatives.
  • Focuses on generating engaging ad content and suggesting optimal ad sizes based on given products or brands.
  • Designed to inspire and assist ad creatives, offering a starting point to craft compelling marketing materials.
  • Available in two versions: AdsGPT2 and Adsdistilgpt2.


  • A fine-tuned GPT-2 model trained on a diverse range of Prebid config files from over 1100 publisher domains.
  • Offers valuable insights and generates sample Prebid configuration settings to help publishers understand and optimize their own configurations.


  • A fine-tuned GPT-2 model trained on a diverse range of Prebid config files from an advanced publisher subset of 1100 publisher domains.
  • Offers the same valuable insights and sample configuration settings as pbjs_gpt2, but is specifically designed for sophisticated publishers.


  • A GPT-2 model trained on a diverse and comprehensive set of Prebid module files from over 1100 publisher domains.
  • Offers valuable insights and generates sample Prebid module combinations to help publishers understand and optimize what Prebid Modules to use.