Project 300x250

Empowering Independent Marketers, Advertisers, and Publishers with Data, Tools, and Models

About Us

Welcome to Project 300x250! We are dedicated to supporting independent advertisers, marketers, and publishers in the advertising industry.

Our AdImageNet Library and Data Library offer a wealth of resources for training AI and machine learning models. Our data sets and tools are accessible to all members and contributors, enabling them to leverage powerful ML/AI capabilities without starting from scratch.

Members get access to unique data sets, early access to new tools and models.

Join Us


AdImageNet Library

Access our extensive AdImageNet Library with 20K+ high-quality images in either raw format or as a text data file. This invaluable resource is ideal for training AI and Machine Learning models. It's like imagenet, but for ads.

Data library

Expand your AI & Machine Learning projects with our constantly growing Data Library. From creative images to publisher settings, Project 300x250 continues to add new data for contributors and members to utilize.

AI Models

Don't have the time or resources to build your own AI models? Project 300x250 provides open-source access to all our AI models, inviting contributors to iterate and improve upon them.

AI Tools

Experience the power of open-source AI models through our collection of tools designed for advertisers, marketers, and publishers. All members and contributors gain access to these tools.


Stay informed with the latest research reports and insights from Project 300x250. Our team produces a variety of reports and POVs to keep you updated on industry trends.


Require a tailored solution? Our team is here to assist you with custom projects and specific needs. Let us help you achieve your goals.

Get a sneak peek into the possibilities!

Preview our extensive Creative Image Library, constantly expanding Data Library, open-source AI Models, and powerful AI Tools that await you.


Want to learn more, gain access to one of our data sets or find ways to contribute? Send us an email!


Chicago, IL